Thursday, March 19, 2009

Manifesto II

Inspired by these Twin examples of Disorganized religion: the Discordian Society and the Episcopal Church, The Invisible Left Hand of Jesus Society is hereby founded.

This is the part where we answer some questions, just to get it out of the way.

Why "invisible"?
Look around. Do you see it? Right, I thought not. There you go then.

That's because it isn't there!
Yes, it is. It's invisible. You can't see it. Even if you could see it, you would be able to see through it. Don't make the same mistake Thomas did.

So you are claiming to represent the left hand of Jesus?
No. We are the pineal gland of the Body of Christ. The left hand is the non-smiting hand. This is a non-smiting organization. If Jesus wants to smite anyone, He can do it Himself. We would rather tell jokes.

I don't think this is a good idea, actually.
Actually, we think it is a fine idea. The gospels have Jesus creating wine as His first miracle. This is a Both Man And God who knows how to have a good time.

This sounds like some Discordian thing.
That statement is in some sense true, in some sense false, in some sense meaningless, and in some fnord.

What are you really?
Both less and more than we seem to be, and both more and less than what we seem not to be.

That wasn't helpful at all.
Ok then, I am an Episcopalian. You are probably something else. I'm afraid I must insist that you are also Pope, but so am I, so it all works out in the end.

So much for all that.

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